Big Bang Welcome to 2022
Energy Infratech offers an employee friendly environment, with its easy to approach executive management style, a professional work culture, and a transparent and robust work organization. Work-life balance is also never lost sight of, with regular get-togethers being organized for employees as well as their families. Employees are felicitated on the occasion of birthdays, weddings and wedding anniversaries by the Company.
Employees and their families are covered under mediclaim policy and employees are also covered under accident insurance policy as a part of employee welfare measure.
Employee grievances are taken care of by forming a solution club where employees can freely express their problems/grievances through email which is kept confidential.
The organization seeks to adopt a transparent and fair performance management process. In the 360 degree appraisal approach adopted at Energy Infratech, members of the middle, senior and top management will be assessed by superiors, peers and subordinates to encourage team building and fair play. The focus is on the development process, which manifests as a development plan for each member.
Diwali Pooja @2020
Kick Off Meeting: 130MW Kandadji Hydroelectric Dam Project, Niger